What are some of the problems caused by wildlife?

This is a question many people have.

Different species of wildlife all have their own unique behaviors, habits and preferences. Therefore, this question is better answered by species. Here are some of the common ones.


Raccoons are one of the most well known animals in North America. Even our logo features one. While adorable and hilarious, these animals do pose several potential problems for you, your health, and your home. Raccoons are in a group of animals knows as rabies vectors. Rabies vectors are animals that can contract rabies, and have a bite strong enough to spread fatal virus. They are among the most prolific carriers of the virus. They are also carriers of another zoonotic disease called Baylisascaris procyonis. This is a roundworm that lives in the intestinal tract of raccoons and commonly sheds eggs in the animal’s feces. This roundworm can also infect humans. Raccoons can also cause home damage, often tearing off roof sheeting and soffits to gain entry into a home. When inside, they frequently scavenge insulation to use in nests. They also frequently find that chimneys make an excellent substitute for a hollowed out tree, which is a frequent natural living space for raccoons.


Squirrels are most often found in higher places around homes. As a rodent, they have incisors at the front of their mouth that constantly grow, creating a need for these animals to chew on a variety of items in order to keep their teeth down to length and sharp. They will often chew their way through soffit panels and fascia boards to gain entry into attics. Once inside, they chew on joists and wires, potentially causing greater issues than just an annoying noise. They will often strip insulation sheets to create nests, and carry several zoonotic diseases including Lyme disease from ticks, salmonellosis from their feces, and leptospirosis.


Bats are flying mammals that often find their way into attic spaces since they are usually warm, dark and provide excellent protection from potential predators. Bats consume insects, and will eat up to half of their body weight in insects during one night of feeding. While they typically don’t cause much physical damage to structures, they are carriers of several zoonotic diseases. They are a rabies vector like the raccoon, and their feces (guano) facilitates the growth of a fungus that can transmit histoplasmosis, a lung disease, to humans. Bats can also attract bat bugs. While they pose no known threat to humans, bat bugs are often mistaken for bed bugs, and can be a nuisance.


Opossums are America’s only marsupial. They are scavengers, and will often find their way into attics and under structures. To gain entry, they will often pull back soffits or knock out foundation vents to gain entry into a home. They are not rabies vectors due to their body temperature being too low for the virus to incubate. They do, however carry leptospirosis, tularemia and several other zoonotic diseases.

In conclusion, there are various health and damage problems related to wildlife infesting your home. We are well-versed in these problems and how to fix them. If you are having wildlife causing problems around our property, please call for an inspection today!