Repairs and Cleanup Services


Wild animals leave behind their marks of the visits they have made to your home. It comes in various forms; holes chewed in fascia boards and soffit returns, slats removed from gable vents, insulation stripped off its paper, nests, droppings and so on. In most cases, we can handle repairs for damage created by wildlife. In cases we can’t facilitate repairs, we will work with you to find someone who can do repairs for you.

The most common times that we can’t facilitate repairs are when structure or safety (such as chewed wiring and joists or HVAC damage) are the primary concerns. When possible, we use exclusion work in conjunction with repairs to keep the problem from coming back.


Oftentimes the residence of wildlife in your home will leave behind droppings, urine and nests created by the animals that were occupying the space. We offer cleanup and sanitation services for what animals leave behind, utilizing proper vacuum filters and other personal protective equipment to keep the spread of zoonotic diseases to a minimum.

In cases where major cleanup is required or the integrity of attic insulation has been compromised, we also offer attic restoration in which we can replace insulation both eliminating messes left behind and restoring insulation to its proper levels, helping reduce energy costs in your home.